We deliver the world in a database.
Our geodata and postal reference data were collected for use in IT application using the complex IT systems we’ve developed. Our data is collected directly where it is created.
Insist on perfection! Whether you’re planning of logistical processes, optimising your marketing and sales efforts, or parsing the address data provided by your customers. Our raw data is always up-to-date to ensure confidence. We deliver data excellence in the form of the best master data available.
Discover the world of postal reference data and IT geo-intelligence! We link the geographical and postal reference data we’ve collected with other meaningful sources of information. As a geoinformatics company, we independently collect postal reference data that is unrivalled in being up-to-date and accurate.
Postal codes and cities at the local district level
- Community identification number
- Municipalities
- States
- Districts
- Cities
- City districts
- Postal codes
- Latitude
- Longitude
Various formats available, including .txt, .xls, and .xlsx.
Product immediately available online.
Approx. 80,000 records
Postal code and street data
- Community identification number
- Municipalities
- States
- Districts
- Cities
- City districts
- Streets
- Postal codes
Various formats available, including .txt, .sql.
Different licensing periods and update cycles available.
Approx. 1.2 million records
Perfect data for:
- Address verification of master data
- Marketing
- Verifying customer input on websites
- Analysing customer data
- Identifying marketing strategies
- Revealing suspicious activity/organised crime
We offer simple licensing models. We work with highly complex data every day. For this reason, it is important for us to offer a transparent and simple licensing model. If this does not meet your requirements, please contact us. We may be able to work something out.